Fundraising Programs

Fundraising for school programs, activities, and supplies is becoming increasingly important to parents and school staff alike. We understand that sometimes fundraising takes a lot of time and effort from your staff or volunteers. That’s why we’ve put together easy and creative photo fundraising programs for your school. The fundraiser is already organized with order forms ready to go – that means little to no work for your staff or parent council!
As with all of our photography programs, all images from school fundraisers are processed and stored securely at our lab in Burlington, Ontario.
The perfect addition to any open house night, family photos are a fun way to fundraise for your school! With an array of fun products and poses, family photo night with Edge Imaging is a great way to get the whole family involved.
Friends & Buddies
Create the perfect yearbook photo-ops by allowing your students to pose with their friends in a relaxed and fun environment.
Prom & Convocation
Their high school career is coming to an end – make sure your students commemorate the fun and the achievements properly with prom or convocation photos. With a portion of sales going back to your school and a photo booth that can print 5×7 photos instantly, this program is a win-win for everyone!
The school years are some of the most important years of a person’s life. Make sure your students’ memories last a lifetime! Edge Imaging is here to make yearbooks easy for you with our local, in-house support team and user-friendly software that includes fun, pre-made design templates. Learn more about creating a yearbook with Edge Imaging here.
Want to book your fundraiser or find out more information on why Edge Imaging is your best choice for photography fundraising? Contact us.