Pre-Paid Photography

Is your child’s school on a pre-paid program?
We know you’re busy, so we wanted to make ordering school photos as simple as possible. Convenience is the name of the game with Edge Imaging’s pre-paid program.
On this program, parents pay for their packages before photos are taken by filling out their paper order form and returning it to the school with payment on or before photo day. Only one photo is taken, therefore no proofs are sent home. Please note that we are unable to accept pre-paid orders online at this time.
The pre-paid program is very common in high schools, but many elementary schools also opt for the ease and convenience that this program offers!
Students who have missed the pre-order window will receive a card at the camera with unique, secure codes on it. These codes allow you to go online to view and order your child’s photo. Photos are typically available online 7-10 days after photo day.
To sign up for email notifications on when your child’s photo is ready online, visit
Still have questions?
We’d love to hear from you! Simply send us an email at or give us a call at 1-888-416-3343, and our customer care team would be happy to help.