Why Take Spring Photos?

Fall picture day has come and gone, and you have almost another full year before you need to get your kid ready for another day of school pictures…and then you see a flyer for spring photo day come home in your kid’s backpack.

The idea of spring photo day can seem a bit strange to some parents – and we don’t blame them. Spring pictures are a relatively new thing in the school photography industry and if you don’t understand why they’re so great, you may not believe they’re worth doing.

There are plenty of reasons to love spring photo day, but here are some of our favourites:

It Raises Money for the School

Almost every school could do with a bit of extra fundraising, and we’re happy to step in and help where we can.

Here’s how a spring photo day school fundraiser works: Our photography team comes in and takes care of all the hard work – the school admin team barely has to do anything. Then, after proofs go home, parents have the opportunity to order any of the fun, casual images of their child, and the school receives a percentage of each sale. 

It Documents A Mid-Year Point in the Child’s Life

We like to think of a child’s school pictures as a way to document their growth. If you take your kid’s school pictures from junior kindergarten to grade 12 and line them all up in a row, you end up looking at 14 years of their evolution.

The thing is, particularly in the elementary school years, kids can grow and change a lot from one fall to the next. This is where spring pictures come in handy – they serve as a memory from the mid-point in each chapter of their story.

It Allows Students to Have A Bit of Fun

We know fall photos have a reputation for being a bit traditional, but spring photos are where students have the chance to let their personality shine!

During a spring photoshoot, students are photographed standing up and have more relaxed options for posing. Spring photos are also taken on green screen backgrounds, so hundreds of fun images are available to choose as the photo background. Plus, they make the perfect addition to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts!

Order your spring photos online today!
Raise money for your school, let your kid have fun, and receive a mid-year memory with your school spring picture day.
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