School picture day is one of the most fun days of the year, but the pressure of taking the perfect photo can make it more stressful than it needs to be. After all, this photo is going to be in the yearbook!
With more than 13 years of experience photographing schools, we know the ins and outs of a great school photo. While we can’t guarantee perfection, we’ve compiled our list of top tips for taking an incredible fall school photo.

Start preparing a couple of weeks ahead of time
For those truly dedicated to taking the best school picture ever, preparing the night before is not enough.
Luckily, preparing for school pictures is not difficult.
If you think you might need to get a haircut, aim to do so about two weeks before your photo day. Not everyone likes the way their hair looks right after leaving the hairdresser – or the day after when the styling has been slept on or washed out – so leave yourself some time for your hair to start feeling natural again, and to get used to styling it.
Consider practicing your smile in front of a mirror. You might feel silly at first, but it’s a helpful strategy for getting your picture-perfect smile right on cue come photo day. Besides, it’s better to feel silly standing alone in front of your mirror than on picture day in front of the camera!
What to wear
The key to looking comfortable in front of a camera is, well, feeling comfortable! Choose an outfit that makes you feel awesome and emphasizes your personality. In our experience, bright colours and/or long sleeves help students to stand out against the background and draw attention to the face.
If you know you’ll be photographed against a green screen background, be careful not to wear any green. Trust us, you don’t want to be a floating head against your background.
If you normally wear glasses, don’t feel worried about wearing them to the camera. Edge photographers are trained to reduce lens glare.
And most importantly…
Relax and have fun! Edge photographers are known to be awesome people. 🙂